Powering a Greener Tomorrow with Energy 3.0

Innovation, cost-effective, and sustainable energy solutions for a digitalized future.

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nice view of sunny bright sky and green fields with some clouds
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Energy for a green tomorrow - shaping the future together

BestPrimeENERGY - Innovation for a Sustainable Future
BestPrimeENERGY is leading the way in innovation and offering clean, sustainable, and renewable energy solutions. Our goal is to enhance the quality of life for people while protecting our planet.

sunny green field with lefty road

Our Philosopy

The intelligence lies in simplicity.

The best solutions are not the most complicated, but the clearest and most effective. We rely on simplicity to create space for creativity, efficiency and real innovation. Through clear structures and comprehensible processes, we pave a path that is accessible to everyone – targeted and understandable.

Our Principles

Values ​​that move – goals that connect

We believe in the power of values ​​that drive, inspire and bring people together. Our goals are based on this foundation and are aimed at creating connections that go beyond the ordinary.

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The first sustainable reduction of energy costs

With its sub-brand BestPrimeEnergy, BestPrime aims to sustainably reduce its customers' energy costs through clean, green electricity.

Innovative Energy 3.0 Concept
By using our XX-Energy Minter, we enable energy cost reductions of up to 100% - thanks to our unique, digitized and tokenized high-altitude wind technology.

In Austria, customers benefit from our exclusive electricity tariff – the cheapest offer on the market. Thanks to our user-friendly online tariff calculator, customers quickly get an overview of their savings and benefit from simple and quick processing.

Our BestPrimeENERGY brand offers 100% clean green electricity and environmentally friendly green gas throughout Germany.
With our nationwide tariff calculators, both private and commercial customers can save up to 30% - and all 100% online.

Additional advice & individual solutions:
Our customers also benefit from our highly trained BP energy consultants and regional BP area managers. They offer personal and individual advice to achieve the best possible optimization of electricity and gas costs.

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Optimized electricity and gas tariffs & energy cooperations

In Germany, our BestPrimeEnergy tariffs offer savings of up to 20% for electricity and gas.

cost reduction with light bulbs

Own electricity and gas supplier

BestPrime Energy is an independent electricity and gas supplier in Germany.

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Proven expertise in the energy sector

With over 20 years of experience and a customer base of 1.7 million, BestPrime Energy is a trusted market leader in the energy sector.

system with green energy and its plug

Pioneering Energy 3.0 solutions

As a pioneer of the Energy 3.0 concept, the company offers its customers savings of up to 100% on electricity costs by utilizing different technologies.

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Global exclusive rights

BestPrime Energy has exclusive worldwide distribution rights for innovative products and collaborations with leading companies. This strategic positioning gives the company a decisive competitive advantage in the field of renewable energies and strengthens its role as an innovation leader on a global level.

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Why good & green energy

Despite efforts towards renewable energy, over-reliance on coal, oil and gas continues to destroy our planet. From sealed farmland and altered ecosystems to hazardous waste, current energy practices are a major concern for our future.

Renewable energy

No agricultural land is lost, which ensures food security and sustainable development.

Preserving landscapes

The natural beauty of the environment is preserved, and the landscape remains unchanged.

Elimination of risks

There is no hazardous waste, no radiation, and no degradation of soil integrity.

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The first mover:
“We are the first to digitize & tokenize electricity”

This system ensures a seamless transition to clean, green energy while creating tangible added value for everyone involved. BestPrime relies on a globally patented technology developed in Germany for energy generation 3.0 - the result of 15 years of innovation and progress.

This is how our process works for end customers worldwide

electric conductor is taking parachute

We digitize & tokenize power generation 3.0 using blockchain technology.

With a limited number of XX-Energy Minterns generating a fixed amount of XX-Energy Coins annually, this innovative system offers a unique opportunity for long-term energy savings through electricity credits as well as sustainable value creation for all users worldwide.

second step of how we do it
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A video example of energy generation 3.0 with our high-altitude wind technology.

This system ensures a seamless transition to clean, green energy while creating tangible added value for everyone involved. BestPrime relies on a globally patented technology developed in Germany for energy generation 3.0 - the result of 15 years of innovation and progress.

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What are our ongoing goals?

Our values ​​and goals have given rise to a concept that will revolutionize the energy industry of the future worldwide:A people's power plant for everyone.

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Cost Reduction

We support people worldwide to reduce their energy costs permanently and significantly - sustainably, reliably and effectively.

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Independence and freedom

With our innovative energy solutions, we create more independence and freedom for everyone worldwide to shape the future actively and independently.

a man with his dreams top of the ladder

Fulfillment of dreams

We support you in achieving your personal goals and wishes quickly and effectively with our unique concept. Prosperity and quality of life become tangible for you.

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We make clean and green electricity accessible to everyone around the world - cost-effective, sustainable and future-oriented. At the same time, we make a significant contribution to the CO₂-free world that you want for yourself and your children.

human around world

Global Impact

We share our unique concept with millions of people worldwide - also through you. Together we are creating a global movement that is meaningful and sustainable.



We generate cheap electricity from renewable sources, transform it and bring it directly to people all over the world. In this way, we create a new independence from the current global electricity pricing policy - for more freedom and transparency.

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We give people around the world the unique opportunity to determine their own electricity costs and regain control over their energy spending.

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Sharing electricity, giving hope

Our energy donation concept We take on social responsibility: Part of our electricity is provided as a donation to those in need. Our customers also have the opportunity to make energy donations worldwide - for a fairer and more sustainable future.

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Your path to success

BestPrime Energy provides multiple earnings opportunities through comissions, regional protections, and long-term income streams. Take control of your future


A product that can meet customer needs 100%,


State-based purchase guarantee security,


Special cooperation between Energy 3.0 suppliers & BPE,


Regional protection and the highest savings system with 30-year Airtime commission guarantee,


A product that can meet customer needs 100%


What are our ongoing goals?

We are the first to digitize and tokenize electricity. We are innovative, sustainable and future-oriented. Take advantage of this unique opportunity and be here from the start!